"What is the first book that made you cry?" and other questions.
What is the first book that made you cry? Wow, I hope no one is expecting me to be profound here. I find that difficult outside of my...
"What is the first book that made you cry?" and other questions.
On the tail end of Graduation...
My releases & a mermaid painting!
What's taking so long?
A Book by Candlelight trailer....
The ISBN racket & Indie Publishers
Merciless Mermaids and other things.
I read a Hammered Heart excerpt...
Why do people read fantasy genre?
Just an update - I'm in a Bookfunnel Bundle!
Hammered Heart proof copy arrived!
Folded Earth 4 - Cover Reveal Video
Short update on where the writing is!
I was delayed....
I took an art break.
The Folded Earth Book 4 ARC is here!
Folded Earth Book 4 Draft Complete!
Merry Christmas or Christmas Eve!
Kickstarter and Cardinal Machines....
Meantime in Medieval Britain....