Folded Earth Orth Dictionary
NOTE Your voices have been heard! This dictionary will be included in Book 3 and future omnibus.
Hi! Please use Ctrl+F | Command+F to search for the Orth word you're looking for. Some definitions are currently withheld and will be disclosed in later books.
1. a - ah
2. adamah - Fata word for 'human'. It means 'earth' or 'ground'.
3. adcondarc - dragon.
4. adt - To.
5. advance - abanteare.
6. æfre - ever.
7. æfre-gelic - lit. 'ever alike'. It means each or every in this form.
8. ælc - more common word for each. Archaic æfre-ælc.
9. aenig - Any
10. af - Of. Also seen in surnames, but these rules are usually only tightly observed in royal or noble lines.
11. agreer - Agree.
12. ai - Ah. An expression of feeling. An intensifier. Can also direct attention, and even mean 'uh' (sarcastically).
13. Ai - Can also mean 'I'm paying attention' or 'I hear you'. Don't mistake it for Yes or No.
14. aia / avus - child's caretaker. Ruel was Ruel-avus to Thahawn.
15. Aise - ease. Ease yourself is Aise thu.
16. alce - the giant deer (Irish elk are actually not related to elk or moose, but deer).
17. all - eall
18. also - auk (souds like oak)
19. alt - alternative (used in all opposing information)
20. an - The (used in surnames)
21. an sprahari - The Speakers. Early name for Alvisc and Fata ability to use Thot.
22. Anchimie - Alchemy.
23. Anchimites - Alchemists. Their work is to identify and make substances, mostly. They do some work for healers, since, though Fata and Alvisc can't get sick, they can be injured and sometimes even poisoned.
24. and - enn.
25. anes - once, so ad anes 'at once'.
26. anes - Once. 'At once' is 'Ad anes'. Sometimes shortened to 'Anes!'
27. annarr - Other or other.
28. anthar - (second / other) Strangers may use annarr for each other, or use Anthar (second / other).
29. anti - anda as in andawers (anti-war).
30. Anvalere - means to be strong, to be well; to be of value, be worthy. The name of Ruel's only son is 'One of value'. Straight up sign of love and respect. Anvalere Ruelaf.
31. any - aenig.
32. Ara - great birds.
33. are - es. To be.
34. art - ar.
35. at - ad (used in surnames)
36. au - Like saying oh.
37. avarus - greedy, grasping. The flesh and eyes of a dragon, including its scales, have natural avarus. This fascination of the senses helps young dragons to lure in prey and get bigger. Avarus also keeps the adults from killing and eating the eggs and young.
38. avere - to be or fare well.
39. awaken - awacen. The first elves / Fates often use this as a surname.
40. awou - This is like saying 'Wow', awou.
41. balkaz - black, this is a loanword from the Dwarrow, who used it to describe their mountain chambers.
42. bana - bane, but with the implication 'worker of death', 'slayer', 'killer'.
43. beautiful - bealte. Famously a word used in the Oridinem to describe proper ways of living and good measures / numbers.
44. before - biforan ex. before me biforan mis.
45. beloved - bileuvd. Not used lightly or often among the Fata / Alvisc.
46. beons - beings as in living things.
47. ber - boar or wild pig. Often used for 'brute'.
48. beran - to bear something. So ghabh-ih perberan, give me forbearance. Can be shortened to just ghabh-ih (gav-ih).
49. berisc - Brutish.
50. berstan - Burst.
51. bheid - To split.
52. bhel - Fata's inner glow 'bhel'. It's an inner light belonging to life.
53. Bhel - root word for shine, flash, burn. Ruel's nickname 'Bhelgemynd' (bright memory) or 'Bhelmynd' (bright mind). This is also used for people of great power.
54. blæse - Blaze.
55. blau - Blue.
56. Blaumirare lach - Blue Mirror Lake.
57. bloma - Flower.
58. blyse - Torch (see blush).
59. bridd - Form of bird (brid).
60. Bruggia Tunscipe - Bridge Township in Orth.
61. Bryhtgwydd - The other half of Ghregwydd.
62. buog - 'Bough' branch of a tree.
63. business - Nenstreon (really industry in Orth).
64. celeber - City that is frequented, populous, crowded; also has the senses of being well-attended or famous, or often visited. Can also refer to a person like An Torr (The Tower) does a King.
65. cennan - Beget or make, create. Hard c.
66. cepan - Keep. Hard c.
67. child - Cild.
68. cloud - Weolcan also welcan.
69. cors - Dead body.
70. cuma - Guest 'a person come to this place'.
71. cursus - Courses or a path but can also be used for the word curses.
72. cwalu - To die.
73. cwelan - Killer or slayer.
74. cynde - Kind (ness).
75. cynn - Kind (also Kin).
76. Cynn / kynn - Hard c. King. Ruel is not permitted to use this word out of the Ordinem.
77. dath - To perish, to die. The Dwarrow borrowed this word from Orth as the name of three of their great Kingdoms in the Low North.
78. dhe - To do.
79. dimon - Time.
80. do not - Dhenai.
81. draca - Drake. Usually dragons.
82. drakhviskra - The most skilled dragon-slayers are called dragon-whisperers.
83. drakwelan - Dragon-slayer. A highly respected class of Fata who are living legends because they survived killing a dragons. In basic, stopping avarus or evil is bound to make you Fata famous.
84. Dwarrow - A race of people, average height about 4 to 4.5 feet, usually not over 5 feet tall. They live underground or in mountains, are clever and proud, and do not have fangs. Their numbers are scattered, but they are more common in less populated areas.
85. eala! - This is more of a cry of Oh!
86. ege - Eye.
87. egespere (s) - Eyeball / eyeballs.
88. ei - Brief form of ever. Uses for always. Ei thu is a way to say always you. This is a common and polite way to say 'I love you'.
89. einn or un - One. (Un is more often used in Orth surnames.)
90. el or eling - Form diminutives at the end of a word as a suffix.
91. eligere - Elite. The most dangerous, committed, dedicated, and honed warriors of a Fata royal are Eligere.
92. ell / eln - Units of measurement in Fata. It was standardized to a 2 foot span / ~61 cm / 24 in. This unit is also used among the Londhs and Scinan, where they're known as els (Londhs) and ulls (Scinan).
93. ercuria - Mercurial.
94. espere - Sphere.
95. essorer - To soar.
96. esti - Is.
97. eth - Oath.
98. etheghend - Oath-taking.
99. eww - Is 'ew'. Disgust sound. The Fata also use gwaag for this.
100. faer - Fair.
101. faran - Farer, traveller.
102. Fatahal - Like Fata Morgana. The name of the space in which the Fata live is a Fata hallr.
103. Fata-Luana - [Yet to be disclosed.]
104. Fata-Schade - Fata from the Twilight Lands. These are the twilight lands at the beginning of time. Technically, all Alvisc and Fates are from here, but it mostly applies to certain Fates more specifically.
105. Fata-Sunna - [Yet to be disclosed.]
106. fela - Feel.
107. femelle - Female.
108. foris - Outside.
109. frithu - A word for peace, this one meaning the kind of peace of the normal collected mind.
110. fulthe – Filthy.
111. fure - Fire.
112. fy - Sound of disdain, like fie.
113. gadu - Hateful.
114. galan - Sing.
115. galdor - Song.
116. gan - Go.
117. ganohs - Enough.
118. gaudia - Greeting. Joy.
119. gebb - Gift as in gifted or to have gifts and talents, sometimes a traditional gift or present, though not often.
120. gedon - Done.
121. gelic - alike.
122. ghabh- - Is to give or receive, or ask sometimes. Ghabh-ih, give me (gav-ih).
123. ghed - Also means good. Sometimes in a more inward sense.
124. ghed - Good.
125. gheis - This is the form of a sawol as it appears for Alvisc. It is, again immortal and separate from the body. Their fire is only occasionally intense enough to shine through the flesh and is not the primary place of consciousness while the Alvisc is alive. Therefore, they can't subsist off of its abilities. Upon death, everything about the Alvisc transfers to the gheis, and they become, more or less, like a sawol.
126. ghend - 'I get it' / I understand.
127. Ghremirare lach - Green Mirror Lake.
128. gigas - Giant.
129. glace - (sounds like glass) Ice / glacier.
130. goed - Good. Formal as in goodbye.
131. gratia - Often in response to guadia. Means to favor, esteem, and regard. It implies pleasing qualities and good will. Gracia is associated with gratitude.
132. hæwen - Blue or grey.
133. hafa - Have.
134. haila - Health / hail as in hail to the King.
135. hailjan - To heal.
136. hal - Hale.
137. halba - Half.
138. halbael - Halfling. This is the word for half-Fata or half-elf/Alvisc.
139. haldan - Hold, from behold. Can mean either given the context.
140. halgian - Hallowed.
141. Halle - Hall.
142. hallr - Stone.
143. hallus - Hill.
144. halon - Hello!
145. haluss - The light of the flesh that Fates have. A suffuse light that shines from them that can be seen by all. It is a sign of wellness, health, and virtue.
146. head - As in leader. Heafod. Head of industry, heafod af nenstreon.
147. healice - Highly. Also used as 'very' as in gea-healice.
148. hefiglice - Heavily, as in violently or intensely. Implies 'sluggishly' or 'sorrowfully'.
149. heh - High.
150. hel / kel - Conceal or hide.
151. helen - Heal (as in naturally, from a cut or bruise).
152. hiera - Their.
153. hieranai - Not theirs.
154. hita - It.
155. horse - Hross.
156. hostis - Guest that is a rival, has unknown intentions, and might be an enemy.
157. houbit - Head.
158. Hsst or hist - Used to advise immediate silence. The first (hissed soft or hard) is more urgent than the second, which is spoken and more light (hist).
159. hulni - Loanword from Dwarrow to describe mountains.
160. hva - What?
161. hviskra - Whipser.
162. ih - I.
163. inferi - Word the dead.
164. Interrex - Regent.
165. ire - He.
166. iru - She.
167. issu - A is added to imply action when attached to noun / past part. Ex vitissu.
168. kalt - Cold.
169. kapum - The Orth word for 'Chief'.
170. kennan - Know, but the word often implies that some sixth sense, experience of extreme time, or supernatural force granted this knowledge. Fata and Alvisc have a lot of this in their population.
171. kers - To run.
172. ki - Here.
173. kinai - Hot here.
174. klei - Clay.
175. kulta - Gold.
176. kwem - Come.
177. lac / lach - Lake. Ghre Mirare or Ghremirare lach. Blaumirare lach. Blue Mirror lake.
178. lædere - Laedre / leader.
179. lazen - Let.
180. lendh - Land, heath. Open land.
181. leva - Leave.
182. lihtan(s) - Light(s). The leaders of the Alvisc before Mirari and the decision (to crown him). A loanword from Orth. Light is of special importance to Carnals too. They call their leaders lights (Lihtans).
183. loc - Lock
184. lof / los - Leaf.
185. luana - Moon.
186. maith - Used for Thanks.
187. makia - Make / makiar maker.
188. mandat - Mandate. Bloshaewen, Havngra, and Rendendelle have Ordinem mandat to exist. The Halls do not.
189. manjeue - Mangy.
190. mara - More. So Gea, mara or Nai mara.
191. masle - Male.
192. mast - Most.
193. mensmer - Memory or thinking or reminiscing. Also Lethe.
194. mai - My.
195. Mian - Mean. Like 'I mean'.
196. minn - Mine. And not mine, Naiminn.
197. mirare - Mirror.
198. mis - Me. Naimis (not me).
199. mohte - May (Ih mohte).
200. mordor - Murder.
201. myrgan - Merry like merriment (myrganmunt).
202. nai - no. (Naip is like nope and used for emphasis among friends.)
203. nai-ghend - 'I don't get it'. / I don't understand.
204. naimaith - No thanks.
205. nait – Not.
206. naitenk - Nothing.
207. natura - Nature. Sometimes used to describe someone like Ora.
208. ne - Un, as in undo. Can also use no / nai, which is common.
209. nedhe - Undo.
210. nen - In.
211. Nen - None
212. Nencennan - Engineer (from in- and cennan, beget or create). Nencennantes (an engineer).
213. nennai - Not in.
214. nifl - Mist
215. nou - Now.
216. onur - The dignity of a Fate that is judged (according to Ordinem) by others, and in relation with word and action. In Londh terms this would be known as honour.
217. opiri - [Yet to be disclosed.]
218. opna - Open.
219. Ordinem - The Book of Order.
220. Orth - The language of the Fates and Alvisc (now). Orth once meant 'True'. Now Saa is used in that sense.
221. oss - The word 'us'.
222. pars - Part.
223. paynim - Heathen lands.
224. peac - Peak. Also used for pinnacle.
225. pendere - Upright / vertical. This is used in measurement and the word represents a plumb line.
226. per - For. It can be shortened to 'er' in surnames.
227. peste - Pest.
228. prek - To entreat someone, like saying 'Prithee', or 'Pray'. Also please. (Ih prek is like saying 'I pray'). Though one doesn't pray and beseech the gods among the Fata. Only living properly is seen as a message to the Powers / Forces/ Stars.
229. pret - Praise. Praise the King. Pret An Torr.
230. rain - Rign.
231. Recipere - To admit, to receive, to take back, to regain, to bring back, to recover, to take in, to take to oneself.
232. rian - River.
233. ric - Realm of nature.
234. robel - Rubble. Rubbish. Bits of broken stone and dust.
235. robous - Rubbish.
236. rod - Red.
237. roial - Royal.
238. Ruel - From ruele which means a pattern or model. ‘The Bealteinn’ means The Beautiful One, and is widely used by Fata talking about Ruel, though it's meant differently by those who have issues with him.
239. rupta - A rout. To disperse a number of foes or opposition.
240. saa - Is 'even so' or 'it is so' to some extent. Saa is a bit complex to Fates. It's neither Yes, nor No.
241. sairiga - Sorry. I am sorry.
242. sarpah - Serpent. Used for Dragons, usually aquatic ones.
243. sauf - Safe.
244. sawol - The part of a Fata that is undying. In Kings it can summon elemental forces, and is more powerful than the flesh, so it can be seen glowing through the body (not to be confused with the light of the flesh, a suffused light that Fata have). Often the light is more powerful than with Alvisc. The sawol can also subsist and power the body, on sunlight, moonlight, even darkness. This elemental part of their dual being is the fire that Ora sees. The sawol can summon and conjure using elemental forces because it is, itself, and elemental force, and is the true seat of Fata consciousness.
245. sceomu - Shame.
246. schade - Shade.
247. secgan - to say.
248. Sel - Take.
249. seon - Seen.
250. Sibb - Peace.
251. skeinan - Shining.
252. sky - Sky.
253. slatr - To slaughter. Also refers to a class of weapon which is only meant, among the Fata, for war.
254. snega - Snake. Never used for dragon. Sometimes used for other Fates.
255. Spe - Aspen tree. Also the last name of Deruvane, King of Deru.
256. spira - The word used for a prince or princess. Gender neutral.
257. sprahhari - Speaker.
258. stahal - Steel.
259. stede - Place.
260. steorra - Star.
261. sterand - Stirring.
262. Sunna - Sun.
263. swinsian - To make a melody or song.
264. tala - Tale.
265. tenk - Thing.
266. thaer - There.
267. thaernai - Not there.
268. Thahawn - From 'Thu Ham', a way of saying 'you are my home', or 'my estate'.
269. thana - Then.
270. thes - This.
271. Thot - Mind-to-mind native language of Fates and Alvisc.
272. thrix - Hair.
273. tip - Typ.
274. Torric - Kingdom.
275. transire - To cross over or go over, or to pass over, hasten over. Fata and Alvisc sleep. This isn't the same as human sleep, which is an altered state of consciousness. This is more of a release of attention, and light altered state. It's restorative, but not wholly necessary to the race.
276. tun - Town.
277. tunscipe - Township.
278. ufar - Over (over me is ufar mis).
279. ufar - Over as in over me is ufar mis.
280. Undirhallr - Under Hill. Where the Fata-Schade live.
281. unfrithu - Afraid.
282. unwirdig - Unworthy. Used for bad or terrible, awful, poor quality.
283. Upp - Up
284. ure - Back.
285. ure - Back.
286. uss/ess - Word-forming element denoting action, quality, or state, attached to an adjective or past participle to form an abstract noun, as in witness / vituss {from -ness).
287. ut - But.
288. utian - Out.
289. Utridan - Outrider.
290. valka - Dragged or to drag around.
291. varsa - Stallion. Sometimes generic for horse.
292. ve - We (also used in some surnames)
293. vel - Well (I've been well) is vel.
294. verai - Very.
295. villr - Wild.
296. villr hentan - Wild Hunt (to seize, not to hunt game). A war party of Fates is known as a wild hunt. A party with the King in it is The Wild Hunt. The Fata Horses move like birds or foxes in speed and nimbleness, and they don't often make lines, or even slow when making an assault. They're fleet and move like ghosts through a place, seeming to pass through everything in their path.
297. vit - Wit.
298. vituss - Witness.
299. voe - Vow.
300. vrda or vard - Rose.
301. wealcan - Walk.
302. wel - Well.
303. Werdon - Guard or protector.
304. wers - War.
305. wetir - Water.
306. whit - White.
307. wiljan - Will as in I will.
308. willa - A short form of my pleasure 'Maiwilla'.
309. willa - pleasure, desire, also choice.
310. wind - Wind. Like 'sky' it's the same word in Londh and Orth.
311. windwian - Winnow.
312. wissen - To know or figure something out.
313. wret - To turn.
314. wurda - Word.
315. wyrre - A second word for war. Not the same type of war as ‘wers’.
316. yes - Gea (gayuh or hay-uh depending on accent).
317. ynce / ynn - One unit. This is 1 unit of an ell / eln. Often abbreviated to ynn.
318. You - Thu.
Torr and -Torr - 'Tower' the generic word for the highest ranking Fata, not gender specific. Also stands on its own.
Galanta - Means grand / formal. Can use iontach (grand) on some occasions.
Gloire - Glory. Word that is used to described a King or Queen. By Ordinem, not permitted to use with Ruel.
Ailleacht (alyacht) - Majesty. By Ordinem, not permitted to use with Ruel.
-cwa - royal woman (aldercwa) also torr or torrcwa
-cwen - royal man (aldercwen) also torr or torrcwen
-mata - mate generic no gender implied (companion). Can be used as a standalone word. Mata.
-fre - Friend. Can be used as a standalone word. Fre.
-nis - male generic unspecific, less distance.
-nesse - woman/girl/female unspecific, less distance.
-wiv or -viv - female generic marriage.
Used when you have a handfasted mate.
-wer or -vir - male generic marriage.
Used when you have a handfasted mate.
-kas or -kes - man and woman implies distance. Formal. Can be used as standalone words.
-kest - gentleman and gentlewoman implies great distance. Formal. Can be used as a standalone word.
-kast - for many or gender neutral. Can be used as a standalone word.
-des - used to show closeness / friendship. Not gendered.
-yeu - young. Can be used as a standalone word, Yeu.
-athir - less personal: father (more personal: atta). Can be used as a standalone word, Athir.
-mathir or - less personal: mother (more personal: ama). Can be used as a standalone word, Mathir.
-mieen - my one (deep affection) (can be lovers).