This is just to keep folks posted about the 3rd book in the Folded series as I write it. I know the title, and I have written through Chapter 2. It's all fresh material, so I'm doing my best to pull a direction together from the ideas that are coming into my head. Many won't understand this, but most of my writing (including the fanfic) was done without a plan. I simply sat down, wrote, and followed where it went, taking notes along the way. That's how the Cardinal series works, and this book is following suit! Please wish me luck with it!
All right. My second session writing this book has produced over 10,000 words. We'll see where it goes from here!

Fig. I can't do a name reveal yet, but the colour scheme is so satisfying!
Every reason to read about the King is always good 😀. Can't wait for the fourth book !!!
Every reason to read about the King is always good 😀. Can't wait for the fourth book !!!
When you've got to admit (on the low) that you're re-reading Tempered Fire (even though you wrote it) because you've got a lot going on and you want to relax. :) (Hey! It's a comforting book!) TEMPERED FIRE SPOILERS I'm at the part where Kessian is telling Ora the King simply can't be in the Township and gesturing around at flags and nonsense, while Ruel is trying to be patient about the procession the Council thinks he should ride in. Honestly. He must sometimes look at the humans like they're playing with blocks on the floor. Ora: <rolls eyes><Outrider facepalm> Lol!
A lot of hectic scheduling and rescheduling taking place around the Novella, rn. I misunderstood something from the Publisher, so we'll see if I can include the story in the Novella Anthology or not. If not, I'll publish and write something else. Either way, it's coming down to publish time for Tempered Fires!
Just to let you know, I worked late today (about 12 hours) and I'm just going to vege tonight. Forgive me if some replies are delayed! I'm toast!
We do indeed
I love it!!! War is simple. Protect the Elf king. Can't breathe!!!!
I do! That stare!
My Twitter Header going up to the Launch of Tempered Fire! I hope you like it!
Almost there. :)
Working on the dictionary. As you can see, I have a mix of English and Orth in alphabetical order (now at least). :( This is going to take a little time to get in order, folks! Bear with me. On the whit kulta note, solidus, the word for soldier in Orth is the same word as was used for gold coins in the Roman Empire. So, Silvern solidus which is Silver soldier in Orth would be silver gold--so white gold. I found that funny! Yeah, I know. It's sad!
When you realize you've gotten far enough to put your boy in armour, and he's giving you that look that says "Nai adamah, it should already be done." Seriously, I should go get his dressers and tell them he needs to brush his hair! (Revenge!)
I am excited - so much work such broad sweep and interesting characters!
Waiting for a video to render and sketching...
I embrace complexity can’t wait
All right! The final wordcount is 116312. I'm finished First Editing Pass. It will be a couple of days (I'm back at work now and have a lot to do as a result) before I'm in a position to turn it over to Second Readers! But it will be soon. Boy, I hope you like this very complex story!
That is often your rhythm in the text - makes for breathless reading- good luck!!
These final 5 chapters have a lot of the action the rest of the work built to. I'm going to try to take these on starting tomorrow. It will be ironic if I spend every single day of my vacation working on this book. But it will also be rewarding if I get it done. I expect, though, it will leak out into my return to work! Almost there!