Well, I'm definitely getting there! I wish I could share what I just revised, but it may help for me to note that, as complex as this scene once was between Thranduil and Lusis, the farsighted cleverness of Ruel Mirariaf has paired with a balancing act of races inside and outside of the Folded Earth, and added complications to what was a weighty and intricate scene. Suffice it to say, when I read it, I'm pleased. And while I've missed the end of January deadline, I would like to note that I'm perhaps within 50 pages of the finish. Be warned it is A LOT to tie up, being that this is a very long book, and that will take time.
Some notable things:
1. Cover artwork is in development! (I will keep you posted here.)
2. This book has first mentions of Ruel's natural son (not Thahawn), by name!
3. The world of the Fates expands as King Ruel receives a letter from a faraway dell.
Please cross your fingers for me as I go into the final stretch of page revisions! (And, yes, he does get a gray wool cloak from a Township human during this book, so the graphic above counts!)

Hi Monika! You'll have to wait and see regarding the cover and the contents of the book (so do I in terms of the cover, because planning is still underway)! I can only make a short answer as the rest of my day will be spent on revisions, but... I'm hoping to be finished this month, and to get the book to copyright very soon. No, the picture above is one I made for the post. It's not part of the cover, though I do know what Ruel looks like and hope to get some art made of him. :) I'm back to it!
' His voice was low and angry, “Will you come to my lands, my doors? Will you
harm my peoples, and take what is mine?” His voice banged on the wood and stone enclosure of
the courtyard like an explosion. She gasped. His eyes were burning halos of blue-silver and she
was afraid of him. Though she tried to respond, his fingers began to emit the most intense light. It
plucked her flesh with sparks that felt like acid.
The noose on her neck began to blaze... May I ask if you included this scene ?
Did you add the scene when King's eyes look like suns?
I am so excited!!!! I am rereading Folded Earth again to remember every detail :). Is the picture above a part of the cover? Will you tell us please the name of the son?
Definitely up for that!!!!