This is a preview -- book 5 isn't up yet since I'm still waiting for cover materials. When it is, I'll be running this advertisement though!
Fig. The new advert! I love the final moments because it sounds like, up on the mountains, Ruel can hear the echoes of Ora's silent cry for peace -- which sounds like 'Lord, have mercy' because it resembles the Greek 'kyrie'.
Advertising the entry point for a series, Folded Earth, is an important step in the journey, my bookish friends! I've now made two types of all new adverts for this purpose. Firstly, an Amazon ad, which, annoyingly, has to be at 15 seconds. That's okay, but the ad runs much better at 20. Twitter doesn't care much about the extra five seconds. Videos also run on automatic there, and loop, which means this video will be merrily running along when folks first see it -- with sound, provided people didn't shut sound off. While we await the hardbacks to be finished, I thought I'd show the advert that has my bitly link in it, a link that is important because it lets me track statistics! I hope you enjoy!
I Love it!!