I want to say a big thank you to my backers on this! I really appreciate it! I'm over the moon! Not concerning at all given how very much I've been reading about the Egyptian god, Khonsu lately! I'm waiting for all the funds to come in at the same time I'm looking at how to deliver the electronic rewards (the largest margin by far). From there, I'll be dealing with the physical copies, which I dauntingly have to order--I think--to my house at this point. Lol! But it's quite under control. By now I'm good at doing my research, to say the least.
I'll also be doing a Cover Reveal today on Twitter for a new short story where I painted the cover myself! I'm pretty excited about this as the story ties into a couple of things happening in society today (it's loosely based on real life events) and has to do with the Egyptian pantheon of gods, a personal fave of mine.
Beyond that, I'm continuing to do limited Live Streams on twitter. I'd love to branch into Lives on TikTok, but it's actually a little more complex for me there. (I'll work it out.) Right now, I'm focused on 3 things, Kickstarter Rewards, Book Cover Reveals (I have 3 books with reveals lined up), and what I'm hoping to write next.
Missing the King very much about now (and some of my readers will know what this means without needing any explanation) and expect to be busy for the rest of this month and top of the next.
Thank you to all my supporters of all kinds out there! It's humbling, and I appreciate you all more than you know!

Fig. This is the beginning of the cover reveal for the new novella. I painted this cover!