This is just a quick check-in to let you know that while I did not, in fact, finish the second book of Folded Earth over the President's Day long weekend, I am very close to the point of finishing the draft (maybe 14 pages now). I've gotten down to the final chapter at this point, and hope to be done by the end of the week (if no other interruptions that fall from the sky and onto my plate). Please cross your fingers!

Remember to get enough rest then! Good luck 🍀
Thank you @Monika and @Jinxyblue! I have a bullet list of 6 items to wrap up during the closing chapter. After that, I'm hoping for a quick transition from the lawyers to the Library of Congress. REALLY want to get you a cover update... but it's taking a while! Thanks for hanging in there!
/fingers crossed!!!!!
Can't wait!!!!