Our wild girl is back! With King Ruel far away in his hidden Kingdom, she's made inroads in the Township. Her 'Northern Wolves' are doing well under her stewardship. But... something's missing. She can feel it.... Next? The Library of Congress. Remember to please let me know if you want to be a second reader on Twisted Cord!
Also, I'm thinking of putting an Orth (Fata/Alvisc) dictionary on this site. Let me know if you think that would be useful!

@Monika Hi there! Trying to get the book to you soon! I'll work on posting a dictionary on here!
Hi Erin! Okay. I'll start working out how to get a dictionary on here! XD I'm no linguist, but I do love creating languages.
Looking forward for the next book!!!!! A dictionary is a great idea.
Yes! please put an Orth dictionary online. I'm definitely here for linguistic worldbuilding 😊