Anything like mine? I'm a productive person, in general. I've worked up to 5 jobs at the one time as a result. There comes a time when all of that catches you up and I'm sure you've all run into this before! Well, today, I opened my latest book draft and, low and behold, recoiled in disbelief.

Lol! It's a strange thing to realize the only time I recall not writing is when a) I was working my day-job, b) I was painting, c) I was bedridden. So, this came one heck of a surprise. But I'm back to it now, and grappling with some new ideas. Readers, wish me luck if you have any to spare!
If you happen to have questions about where different series are (I hear you Folded Earthers!) please feel free to drop them in here! I'm also on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, under Tracy Eire, and happy to talk to you! Ask 'em if you gottem!
