Fig. From the InuitPortal (on Instagram) at the Arctic Museum, and fit for a queen.
While I'm working on Folded Earth 2, I'm very aware of the Scinan people. As some may know, I draw upon a people I deeply respect, the Inuit, when I think of the Scinan, though, as future books will reveal, their influences are many.
Since the new book opens with Aurora abroad on Northern fjords and thick tundra -- in her element -- I was looking for music that would welcome me into the book! I went for a song out of my childhood, called 'This Child'. This song has the scope of the open North that I'm looking for, and lines like "This land, a journey still unknown" work very well for the new book. At its core, the idea of this journeying girl child in the wild, and man searching for the truth really reminds me of Ora's origins. When I reflect back on it, I realize this song, in my head, is an element of Ora's first arrival at Buckmaster Keep. It's my guess that this song was very much with me when I began writing in the Tolkien fandom. It remains with me as I write Ora!
Also, I cannot wait to see the King again! His understanding of the High North, and his violent history there are much unchanged. I'm free to delve into them now.