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Welcome to the Pitch Page! What would these fiction books resemble when I do a 'comp' or comparison to other modern media?
If I had to pitch these book series to readers and traditional publishers, in something the publishing industry calls a 'comp', I would need to be able to draw a parallel between the mood of my stories and something that already exists in the wider public consciousness, like an anime, manga, movie, game, or TV show. This page is all about that game!
The Dead Set is a bit like the Ghost Hunt manga, meets paranormal young-adults per Supernatural in an urban fantasy where investigating claims of hauntings can be fatal for the unsuspecting.
Cardinal Machines is a bit like Veronica Mars meets Detroit Become Human in a near future setting where mankind resists change, and wholeheartedly believes in traditional human values like good, old-fashioned murder.
Folded Earth is a bit like a female Aragorn seeking a mythic ElfKing for the sake of a town torn by rising magic.
And, lastly, my novellas:
Hard Candy is a bit like if Die Hard met 90210 at a Christmas party that went terribly sideways, when an entire prep-school class is taken hostage, leaving only 6 girls to solve a puzzle.
Stars in Legions is a Star Warsian space opera set in a culture like the Roman Legion, with a star-crossed love story, and a critical piece of advanced interstellar technology up for grabs.
Wings & Justice is a bit like if the Egyptian gods from Moon Knight could descend on a 14-year-old fangirl and true believer just in time for her to confront an utter scoundrel.
But all that really matters is what you think (so please do leave reviews)!
To access my series in order visit these links: The Cardinal Machines series | The Folded Earth series | The Dead Set series
Go to my book page for details or purchase

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